We Create the Most Lustrous and Beautiful Floors Ever

Whether you need a brand new floor or maintenance on your existing floor, our state of the art floor systems have enabled us to bring the best rates possible while giving you the most lustrous and beautiful floors ever. Let us show you what we can accomplish with your floors.

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Financing Options from GreenSky
Finance Your Project
2521 - 12 Months No Interest, No Payments - (84 Principal Pmts)
2716 - Reduced Rate 6.99% for 60 Months
Financing for GreenSky© credit programs is provided by federally insured, federal and state chartered financial institutions without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender or familial status. NMLS #1416362; CT SLC-1416362; NJMT #1501607 C22


Did you know many well known retailers, home centers, pharmacies, and restaurants are familiar with polished concrete? So much that their architects have specified the standard at which the floor must be polished. Read More


When it comes to the health and safety of your family there is no cost too great to ensure the very best. How lucky, then, that the best option for your loved ones is also the most cost effective in the market? Read More


When it comes to industrial facilities, a realm where few customers are going to be seeing the floors, the focal point of an application is strictly cost-effectiveness and ease of maintenance. Read More


Did you know many well known retailers, home centers, pharmacies, and restaurants are familiar with polished concrete? So much that their architects have specified the standard at which the floor must be polished. Read More


When it comes to the health and safety of your family there is no cost too great to ensure the very best. How lucky, then, that the best option for your loved ones is also the most cost effective in the market? Read More


When it comes to industrial facilities, a realm where few customers are going to be seeing the floors, the focal point of an application is strictly cost-effectiveness and ease of maintenance. Read More